School Fahrschule Barbara Zürich 1

Fahrschule Barbara

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BB AutomatikBEEnglishGermanMazda

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+41 76 366 68 59

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Jugendliche mit weißem Hut fahren zum Sonnenuntergang mit frisch bestanden Führerschein

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Information provided without guarantee. We try to be as accurate as possible. However, we can not guarantee that the content available on this website is accurate, complete, reliable, up-to-date or error-free. All prices include VAT. and will be charged by the driving school. Contracts are concluded exclusively between the learner driver and the driving school.

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The strengths of the driving school

BB AutomatikBE

LIcense classes the school provides teaching for


You can take theory and practical hours in these languages.


Car brands that the school provides for you to practice during driving lessons for license class B

Payment types you can select from to pay for school services

Bombachstrasse 178049 Zürich Karte  Streetview, Zürich
+41 76 366 68 59


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